
Let’s start building together!

Social networks today are the first means of communication for many brands and have become essential to grow a business. Do you agree?

If your answer is yes but you don’t know how to get started to achieve the maximum potential of your business, you have come to the right place! By working together, we can develop a unique digital strategy for your brand that will help you achieve your goals.

Before selecting one, I invite you to see the different sessions that I have available so that you can choose the one that best suits what you need.

Social Media Essentials

Includes: 1 hour of consulting.

Everything you need and want to know about Instagram in one place. With this course I want to help you discover the wonderful world of this social network so that you can take full advantage of it, from understanding how to create content, how to use Pinterest, TikTok or even Facebook Ads. It’s a space when you can ask all you want about social media.

Book Now

Price: $199 (USD)

Give me all the social hacks!

Includes: 3 sessions of 1 hour each.

When do you need a digital strategy? The answer is always! All brands need a strategy to reach their full potential, but if you are here, you know that it is not as easy as many believe.
Through these sessions, I dedicate myself to analyzing your business, your use of different social networks and what your objectives are with each one of them (yes, they can change from one channel to another!). I analyze what is good and what can be improved, so that we can then work in detail to reach your target audience and grow a loyal community. I will be with you every step of the way.

My first advice is always: don’t get frustrated! There are many ways to successfully manage your social networks, and this course will help you grow organically, have a community that trusts you and values your brand, and finally, sell your products and / or services.
And how will we do it?
– Defining and understanding what your target audience is looking for.
– Using SEO correctly to reach new people.
– Establishing the personality, voice, and tone of your brand.
– Learning to create valuable, high-quality content that connects and awakens emotions.
– Taking advantage of other platforms to grow your business outside of Instagram.
– Using the correct tools to boost interactions on your different channels.
– Learning to generate leads and sales.
– And much more.
My goal is for you to become an expert in the strategic management of your social networks, so that more than having a “nice feed”, you can position your brand using the information generated and making the most of it.

Book Now

Price: $499 (USD)


My social media consultancies are tools created to help you with your social presence so that together we can create a unique digital strategy that will allow you to achieve your business and / or communication objectives. Each type of consulting provides the tools necessary to fulfill your business objective: from growing your audience on Instagram, learning to use Facebook Ads in an optimal way, or selling your products. Whatever your goal is, I can help you build your digital path.

Well, it depends on what you need. My recommendation is that before choosing one, identify what do you want to obtain as a result.   If it is just to answer some questions or better understand how Instagram works, the Social Media Essentials session is definitely for you. Now, if you consider that your business needs something deeper, even a personalized strategy, your option is Give me all the social hacks!

Whichever course you choose, I am sure it will be very useful! Remember that you can also schedule a discovery call with me totally free, where we talk for 30 minutes about your platforms, what questions you have, what your goals are, among other things.

My main goal is to empower entrepreneurs like you who want to improve their digital presence. That said, I specialize in building strategies for different social networks such as Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, depending on what you need. For this, I like to video calls where we talk about your goals, questions, etc., and once we have the foundation ready, we begin to work on a solid strategy that allows you to achieve your goals.

Once your payment has been processed, you will receive an email with all the information you need about your consulting session, such as the date and time, and the discovery questions to prepare for our meeting.

You can make the payment with any credit or debit card through my website, wherever you are.

We can work do them in Spanish, English or Spanglish. It’s up to you.

I know that an hour sounds little, but I assure you that we always get the most out of it. However, if once the session is over you still have some additional questions, you can always send me an email at contact@ or write me a DM and I will gladly review it. Additionally, if you feel like you still need extra help, you can always schedule a follow-up session.

Bonus: I usually give frequent clients a 15% discount on their follow-up sessions. Always check your email!

Don’t worry! If for some reason you cannot connect to our meeting, just let me know and we will gladly reschedule the appointment.

No. The consultancy is designed exclusively for your business and will not apply for another brand.